Are you ready to break the mold?

Using Human Design as a map, I empower you to free yourself from conditioning, embody your uniqueness, and align with your true desires.

Hi, Love!

My name is Bri. I am a Human Design specialist and coach, trained with a focus in intimacy and sisterhood. I am also an artist and yoga teacher with over a decade of devotion to investigating and experimenting with countless ancient and modern spiritual technologies. I am fascinated by the art and science of surrender, and passionate about empowering creative individuals to awaken their most authentic expression.

I am a 1/3 Emotional Manifestor on the Cross of Explanation. It would be my pleasure to serve as your guide as you embark on this wildly liberating experiment!

What is Human Design?

Human Design is the science of human differentiation. Your chart will illustrate how you are uniquely designed to:

  • Connect to the wisdom of your body and feel complete trust in your ability to make aligned decisions

  • Break free from conditioned thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that are holding you back from the life you truly desire

  • Deepen awareness, enhance pleasure, unleash your creativity, and experience greater flow

  • Navigate relationships with greater harmony

  • Love and accept yourself fully and surrender to the most authentic unfolding of your purpose!